
[媒體報導] Roy 車票迷 (港鐵心繫生活35年 > 20140228)


Roy 車票迷

由2002 年的年初一那天起,我從集郵的圈子,踏入了地鐵車票世界,亦展開我的儲車票之旅。那年,我17歲,首次接觸紀念車票,我與媽媽使用一套兩張的馬年紀念車票,那時我才發現,一張小小的車票,竟然有這麼多款式!自此,我便開始迷上舊車票,追尋早期車票的蹤影。1979年通車首日紀念車票、我出生那年的1985年港島?通車紀念車票、迪士尼開幕日推出的迪士尼?一天乘車證…… 每一張車票細說著它背後的故事,揭開一張張的車票像閱讀歷史書般,開始了第一頁,我便停不了,就像著了魔般一頁又一頁的追看下去。

我為車票建立了網誌,與其他人分享近千張車票和票套珍藏,及當中的鐵路歷史。但我從不割愛,絕不會賣掉任何一張車 票;因為每張車票都是獨一無二,記載著不少故事及回憶。為了得到「地鐵競步賽」限量版車票,我參加了人生第一個競步賽;第一次參觀了九龍灣車廠,意外收穫 是除了可以深入列車基地之外,更得到港鐵送贈的紀念車票;還有……還有無數次為車票付出的汗水。

為了志在必得,每年年初,我都會寫下便條提醒自己生肖紀念車票的發售日期。我試過排隊兩小時,試過搭頭班列車到金鐘站買車票,亦試過沿?逐個車站查詢…… 為的,只是想達成儲齊整套生肖車票的心願。 今年,港鐵再推出全新馬年紀念車票,像回到12年前一樣,這套車票我會與媽媽分享。不同的是,現在我的車票珍藏,正邁向一千張大關進發!

I stepped foot into the world of collecting MTR tickets from stamp collecting when I was 17. It was the first day of the Lunar New Year in 2002 when I shared a set of two "Year of the Horse" souvenir tickets with my mother. I discovered that each ticket carried a different design. Since then, I started to immerse myself in the countless faces of MTR ticket. To me, every ticket embodies a unique story in a different design. Like reading an epic history novel, you simply can't stop once you start. To share with others, I showcase about 1,000 tickets on a website. Along with the commemorative tickets, one day passes and other exclusive souvenir tickets on show are a story in MTR history. I never sell any of the tickets because each is one-of-a-kind and represent unique memories. Because of the tickets, I have experienced MTR Race Walking, visited MTR Depot, etc. Whenever I look at the tickets, all the hard work and effort that went into collecting them seem very worthwhile.